Cheese making involves a number of main stages which are common to most typesof cheese.
The cheese milk is pretreated, after addition of a bacteria culture appropriateto the type of cheese, and mixed with rennet. The enzyme activity of the rennetcauses the milk to coagulate to a solid gel known as coagulum. This is cut withspecial cutting tools into small cubes of the desired size to facilitateexpulsion of whey. During the rest of the curd making process the bacteria growand form lactic acid, and the curd grains are subjected to mechanical treatmentwith stirring tools, while at the same time the curd is heated according to apreset program. The combined effect of these three actions – growth of bacteria,mechanical treatment and heat treatment – results in syneresis, i.e. separationof whey from the curd grains. The finished curd is placed in cheese moulds,which determine the shape of the finished cheese. The cheese is pressed, eitherby its own weight or by applying pressure to the moulds. Finally, the cheese iscoated, wrapped or packed. Most kinds of cheese will ripened in theripening room for deferent period.
1.Opportunity to realize products with customized recipes.
2.Opportunity to produce more than one product with the same processing line.
3.High quality of the final product keeping an elevated nutritional value.
4.Wide customization of the final product.
5.Maximum yield, minimum production waste.
6.Highest energy savings thanks to the most advanced technologies.
7.Complete line supervision system through monitoring of every process phase.
8.Recording, visualization and printing of all daily production data.
WORKINGCAPACITY from 1 tons/d up to 50 tons/d